Building skills in the classroom and on the ice
Burnaby North Hockey Academy

Burnaby North Hockey Academy FAQ
What grade levels are eligible to participate in the hockey academy?
Grades 8-12
Is the hockey academy open to students from other Burnaby schools or out of district schools?
Yes, students from other Burnaby schools or other lower mainland districts are welcome to participate. Students must apply to be a Burnaby North student first.
Can I stay at my school and still participate in the Burnaby North Hockey Academy?
We recommend students enroll at Burnaby North Secondary, however some arrangements may allow students to stay at their original school. Transportation is the responsibility of the student if attending other schools.
Does the program give a refund if we decide to not finish the school year?
Students are selected to the academy with the expectation of committing for the entire school year. The program cost is $2300 for the year. We break the cost down to $230 per month to make it easier on parents. Fees are not based on month by month commitment.
Consideration may be given if the student is unable to finish the year due to injury, sickness or family emergency. Outside of these considerations a refund will not be given.
What hockey skill level do you need to participate in the hockey academy?
The program is open to all hockey skill levels. Most players will be at a rep level, but consideration will be given to some house level players. Players must have a minimum of 4 years of competitive minor hockey experience before applying to the hockey academy. Goaltenders in grade 8 should be at the A1 level. They will need to have a skill level and physical size to handle shots from older players. This is a safety requirement. Older goaltenders at other levels will be considered.
Is the hockey academy co-ed?
Yes. Both male and female players are accepted into the hockey academy.
Will the hockey academy play competitive games?
No, the hockey academy is a skills based program that will not include competitive games.
Are the ice and dry-land sessions run by a private company?
No. Burnaby North Hockey Academy is completely run and administered by Burnaby North Secondary School.
Will the hockey academy end the same time minor hockey season finishes?
No. Burnaby North Hockey Academy will run the entire school year. September - June
What arena will the Burnaby North Hockey Academy use for ice sessions?
Burnaby 8 Rinks Sports Complex.
How many students will be accepted into the Burnaby North Hockey Academy?
Burnaby North Hockey Academy will have 20-24 students per group.
How many goaltenders will the Burnaby North Hockey Academy accept?
Burnaby North Hockey Academy will have a minimum of two, and a maximum of three goaltenders per group.
Will students need to maintain a certain grade level to remain in the program?
Students need to pass all classes, and are expected to work for academic success. Burnaby North Hockey Academy base student marks on
participation, attendance , work ethic, leadership and fitness levels.
How do the students get to 8 Rinks each day?
The school will provide a school bus that will transport students from the school to 8 Rinks each day. Please note: students will be dismissed from 8 Rinks at 3:00pm each day. We do not have bus transportation back to the school at the end of the day. Students use BC Transit or carpool. Transportation is the responsibility of the student if attending other schools.